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Local Government Services

Local Government Services

Rodney Craig Goodman Jr., CPA offers a variety of services to local government agencies in California. With over 15 years of state and local government experience, Mr. Goodman, offers a fresh and unique perspective on local government operations and reporting. 

Mr. Goodman worked seven and a half years at the California State Controller's Office (SCO) in the Division of Accounting and Reporting. The vast majority of his state service was focused on local government. Specifically, Mr. Goodman dealt with local government accounting policies and procedures, the California State legislative process, staffing various commissions and committees and reviewing state reporting for counties, cities, courts, special districts, and school districts. In addition, Mr. Goodman coordinated several annual conferences between the California State Controller and the State Association of County Auditors. 

Mr. Goodman was priviledged to serve as the Assistant County Auditor-Controller in beautiful Napa County for four and a half years. During his tenure in Napa County, the County was awarded its first "Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting" from the Government Finance Officer's Association. He was instrumental in forming and maintaining high quality working relationships both within the Auditor-Controller's Office and with external departments, agencies and citizens. He was also able to assist the Auditor-Controller to create and implement a succession plan which saw 70% of the positions in the County-Auditor's Office turnover due to the retirement of long time loyal employees.